Aardbevingen in de eerste 15 jaar van de 21e eeuw

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Video gemaakt door NOAA / Pacific Tsunami Warning Center.

Deze animatie-video toont de aardbevingen die hebben plaatsgevonden
vanaf 1 januari 2001 tot 31 december 2015.

Earthquakes of the First 15 Years of the 21st Century 
US NWS Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC)   
This animation shows every recorded earthquake in sequence as they occurred from January 1, 2001, through December 31, 2015, at a rate of 30 days per second. The earthquake hypocenters first appear as flashes then remain as colored circles before shrinking with time so as not to obscure subsequent earthquakes. The size of the circle represents the earthquake magnitude while the color represents its depth within the earth. At the end of the animation it will first show all quakes in this 15-year period. Next, it will show only those earthquakes greater than magnitude 6.5, the smallest earthquake size known to make a tsunami. Finally it will only show those earthquakes with magnitudes of magnitude 8.0 or larger, the "great" earthquakes most likely to pose a tsunami threat when they occur under the ocean or near a coastline and when they are shallow within the earth (less than 100 km or 60 mi. deep).

This time period includes some remarkable events. Several large earthquakes caused devastating tsunamis, including 9.1 magnitude in Sumatra (26 December 2004), 8.1 magnitude in Samoa (29 September 2009), 8.8 magnitude in Chile (27 February 2010), and 9.0 magnitude off of Japan (11 March 2011). Like most earthquakes these events occurred at plate boundaries, and truly large events like these tend to occur at subduction zones where tectonic plates collide. Other, much smaller earthquakes also occur away from plate boundaries such as those related to volcanic activity in Hawaii or those related to wastewater injection wells in Oklahoma.

NOAA Science on a Sphere version:

Earthquake source used: NEIC Earthquake Catalog



De (relatieve) rust aan de westkust van de VS gedurende deze jaren zou daar onderhand misschien toch voor wat nervositeit moeten zorgen? Opmerkelijk dat daar in verhouding zo weinig zware bevingen hebben plaatsgevonden.
Een zomer zonder onweer, is als een winter zonder sneeuw. Hogedruk maakt alles stuk. Een evenaring is geen record.

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