Iceberg rolling over and breaking / IJsbergenmap Newfoundland-Labrador

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Gestart door 4seasons, za 08 aug 2015 - 22:58

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Iceberg rolling over and breaking
Hey all, i shot the video, i was leaning on the rail around our front balcony. Surrounded by family.
The iceberg was about 100ft from the front of our house.

Zie verder de tekst bij deze video
Video taken in King's Point. NL. Aug 04 2015.

Dit is dezelfde ijsberg gefilmd met een drone

Iceberg breaks apart near Twillingate Newfoundland
Gepubliceerd op 4 aug. 2015
This iceberg split apart on July 3, 2015 near Little Harbour, south of Twillingate. As they say, it was "proper awesome."

Iceberg collapse
Gepubliceerd op 19 jul. 2015
Iceberg breaking up, St.Anthony NFLD


Iceberg viewing, Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland in Canada

Voor meer info over ijsbergen bij Newfoundland en Labrador:
Iceberg Map / Iceberg Finder

Panoramic footage of icebergs along the scenic shores of Newfoundland and Labrador

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